The whole of the Southern Upland Way on one map - Scotland's Coast to Coast route!
The Southern Upland Way is Britain's first official coast to coast long distance walking route and is one of Scotland's Great Trails. It is 340km (212 miles) in length, from Portpatrick on the south west coast of Scotland to Cockburnspath on the eastern seabord. It offers superb and varied walking country, taking you through an enormous variety of scenery.
- Tough, light, durable and 100% waterproof
- Includes Rights of Way
- Genuine original HARVEY mapping
- Route clearly marked
Technical Information
- Scale: 1:40,000
- Ratio: 2.5cm = 1km
- Flat size: 696 x 486mm
- Folded size: 116 x 243mm
- Weight: 35gms
- Double sided
- Format: strip map