Replace your worn FireSteel with ease: with our available FireSteel refills keeping your spark bright and your fires burning.
The Swedish FireSteel Bio is the all-weather-proof world renowned FireSteel, perfectly concealed in the handle of the FireKnife Bio Cocoshell. The FireSteel refill ensures that when your adventures reach the need of a new FireSteel, it is easily replaced. Light fires, ignite gas stoves, prepare meals, include the whole family and rediscover ancient skills with reliable durability in a timeless design. Our legendary Swedish FireSteel® is the original magnesium fire starter. Our second generation Swedish FireSteel 2.0® is a sustainably produced bioplastic mix combining coconut shell fibres, creating a magnificent experience of texture, look and natural smell.
• All-weather-proof Swedish FireSteel: up to 3000 strikes at 5400°F/2980°C.
• The refill that keeps your FireKnife new.
• Keep the FireKnife, change the FireSteel.
• Keep the Knife for life, with the FireSteel refill.
• New life for your FireKnife, with the FireSteel refill.
• Same Knife, new FireSteel. Replace when needed.
Material Features
Swedish FireSteel: SparkSure magnesium alloy.
Handle: a bioplastic mix containing coconut shell fibres.
Made in, of and by Sweden
Sustainable Features
Replace your worn FireSteel with ease: with our available FireSteel refills keeping your spark bright and your fires burning.